Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Nintendo and E3.

The Big N has come in at a definite third place to Sony and Microsoft. At least as far as the E3 press conferences are concerned. First, what Nintendo got right.

Some big names in gaming were thrown around at the conference. Mainly mascots'. We have a very well known mascot that is appearing in not one, not two, but three new games coming out before too long. Everyone's favorite plumber, Mario. We're going to see "Mario vs. Donkey Kong," exclusively for the DSi. A four player "New Super Mario Bros." and the very impressive "Mario Galaxy 2," for the Wii.

Source: IGN

Following that stunning announcement, came news of a new Metroid, "Metroid: The Other M." Unfortunately Retro Studios, the makers of the "Metroid Prime" series, is no more. However, Nintendo blew us away with the news that the next Metroid would be made by Team Ninja, of "Ninja Gaiden" fame. The trailer looks amazing, but Samus Aron speaks for the first time. Say it ain't so!

Source: IGN

How could that possibly have been a bad presentation, you're surly asking now. Well, next up comes Nintendo's biggest hurdle this generation. While The Big N sure started a revolution with motion controls, they're not keeping it fresh by any means. Microsoft and "Project Natal", Sony and "The Motion Controller", and Nintendo with... cough... "Wii MotionPlus". A nice addon in it's own right, still not half as accurate as either of the other contender's options.

Finally the biggest let down of the press conference, neigh, all of E3 thus far. The "Nintendo Vitality Sensor." An attachment that reads your pulse with a small, doctor's office like, finger clamp. Can I get a WTF!?

Source: Engadget

At least with a strong software lineup, we'll be entertained this holiday, right? What? None of those huge titles are coming out until 2010? Great...

For a complete replay of the event, visit IGN's E3 2009 LIVE coverage.

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