Monday, June 15, 2009

Leo Laporte of "The Screen Savers" blows up during Palm Pre review.

Leo LaporteImage via Wikipedia

If you're a tech junkie like me, you grew up on "The Screen Savers" on TechTV. Hosted by the great Leo Laporte for it's entire run, I'll be darned if Laporte wasn't one of the funniest, down to earth hosts on TV.

Since being bought out by G4 a few years back, "The Screen Savers" was effectively destroyed. Now a completely different show in the form of "Attack of the Show." Leo found himself an avid web host, like most of his kin whom were let go from the channel.

That brings us to June 6th, 2009. During a show known as "The Gillmor Gang", Michael Arrington of the website TechCrunch, insinuated that Leo Laport was swayed into a positive review of the new Palm Pre. How? With a free Pre of all things. What nerve.

Enjoy the angry repercussions, and bask in Mr. Laporte's awesomeness.

The video below contains harsh language.
Please watch at your own discretion.


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